Have you ever traveled to a new place and wished you had a few solid recommendations of inspiring places to visit from actual locals who know about art? Planning a trip to Ireland and wish to make the most of it so you can return to your studio inspired and full of new ideas? Traveling can be such an amazing source of inspiration for artists and art-appreciators! When I have the opportunity to visit a new city/country, I strive to make the most of it both in terms of enjoyment/relaxation, as well as taking in inspiration that I will later be using for work. As I mentioned in my blog post 3 Proven Hacks to Progress Artistically While Traveling, I love reaching out to actual locals who share my interests and get suggestions from them about places I should visit. Today's post was written by Neville from www.irelandart.com and he's sharing a list of recommended galleries/museums we simply must spend time in when visiting Ireland. There are few things as inspiring than spending time surrounded by all kinds of amazing artwork! Enjoy!
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