Ever given thought to how you could enhance the way a spectator experiences your artwork, whether it's by simply incorporating a specific type of background music or lighting, or really pushing the envelope by making use of the latest technological advances? As visual artists, in what ways can we appeal to our publics' other senses so that we can get our message across more effectively and even create life-altering experiences? In today's guest blog post, CODAworx shares a compilation of three groundbreaking contemporary artists that are using the latest technology to create works of art in which the viewer isn't only a spectator, but very much a participant. These artists have succeeded at creating experiences that their public can truly submerge in and take part of, coming out the other end changed. In past blog posts , I've shared how I believe that the purpose of art is to set forth ideas and awaken people. The artists presented below have proven capable of doing precisely that through the creation of projects that challenge their public in a variety of ways. Through their work, these artists have managed to plant seeds in their spectators' minds and make them think about their world differently. CODAworx (Collaboration of Design and Art) is a global online community that facilitates the connection between artists and creative companies that make those ideas come to life. They are true advocates for all types of arts and are taking massive action to make the world a better place through them. Let's get to their article! 3 Artists That Are Embracing The Sensory Perception Of Art
by CODAworx
Sensory perception of art relies on understanding through the body. Rather than simply viewing a piece, we experience it. Artists from a variety of disciplines are using sensory art to force us to perceive it in bold new ways. Below are three such artists whose work envelopes you, rather than being separate from you.
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