Do you frequently struggle with a lack of motivation to create? Does daily life make it difficult for you to produce artwork consistently? Do you frequently compare yourself with other artists and feel like you'll never reach their skill level? Do you feel it's too late for you to start your artistic journey or that you are progressing too slowly? Being an artist can be tough mentally, whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or even a professional. It can be extremely lonely and stressful because, in most cases, you are solely responsible for progressing your skills, producing great work, marketing yourself, dealing with sales, and staying on top of all the practical aspects of maintaining a business. You have to 100% believe in what you have to offer and be your own cheerleader in a vast sea of amazingly talented artists. All of this makes it absolutely imperative for us artists (of all kinds) to take care of ourselves both physically and mentally. This will help us not only achieve success much faster, but to stay happy and productive throughout the years. Think about it for a sec. If you're happy, you'll be more likely to produce work consistently. The more work you produce, the faster you'll improve. And the faster you improve your skills, the more self-confidence you'll have to put yourself out there and start making your work known. Lacking inspiration? Read my blog post about How I Find Inspiration as an Artist and Some Ideas to Keep you Going. As artists, we face challenging situations daily. From the moment we stand in front of a blank canvas that we have to turn into a beautiful painting, to the moment we start receiving criticism for that one piece we posted online. We also have to produce work consistently, and if we get easily frustrated with ourselves for our mistakes, we may fail to produce the amount of work required to improve our skills. Furthermore, if we approach a new project thinking we are going to fail, we will most likely fail. I learned about Positive Daily Affirmations a while back and, though I'm too skeptical to believe in the Law of Attraction per se, I do believe our minds are extremely powerful and that our thinking affects our daily actions. All of us have self-imposed beliefs that we have formed throughout our lives. The experiences we've been through and what we've been taught have created thinking patterns that are embedded in our minds whether we are aware of them or not. And, unfortunately, many of them are holding us back from becoming everything we could become. Our self-image is basically what we believe to be true about ourselves and what we think we're capable of achieving in life. Each person creates his/her own version of reality and, if we really want to, we have the ability to change these realities to get rid of self-imposed limitations. In a nutshell, Daily Affirmations are short, positive statements that declare specific goals as if they are already happening or have already been completed. If repeated consistently, they have a profound effect on the conscious and subconscious mind. They help you live a life of positivity, gratitude and mindfulness. In the beginning, saying these affirmations may feel ridiculous or even uncomfortable, but the more you repeat them, the more naturally these words will come to you. Over time, you'll be saying them with greater confidence and your mind will start perceiving them as your new truth. Truly successful people, in my opinion, live fulfilling lives by making something of their passions and create a positive impact on the world in whichever ways they're able to. Who comes to your mind when you think of a character like this? You can bet these people are positive, grateful and mindful!
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10 Daily Affirmations for Artists 1. I fully accept myself and know I am worthy of achieving great things in life. 2. The artist is already present within me. 3. I trust I am exactly where I need to be in my artistic journey. 4. I do not seek perfection, but progress, and view my mistakes as a sign of exploration and growth. 5. The only person I compare myself to, is who I was yesterday. 6. I have unlimited creativity and the ability to create something meaningful. 7. I am proud of my work and its wonderfully unique characteristics. 8. Through hard work and determination, I am progressing my artistic skills every-single-day. 9. I am becoming a brilliant artist and will be persistent as I pursue my passion. 10. With my art, I am inspiring others and impacting lives. Remember, you and you alone are responsible for creating your truth and living the life you want to live. You define what you are capable of doing and how far your artistic path will take you! So stay positive, my friend! Download your free affirmations PDF below, print it and pin it somewhere you'll see it frequently throughout the day. Repeat these affirmations each morning or several times during the day for at least a month to start seeing results! Want to learn more about Positive Affirmations? Check out this article written by Remez Sasson, founder of Success Consciousness.
Erika Lancaster
3/14/2018 07:56:32 am
So true Michelle!
Erika Lancaster
2/11/2018 09:58:17 am
Good point Michelle!
Erika Lancaster
2/12/2018 08:40:45 am
Yes Maggie!!
2/11/2018 10:32:49 am
Thank you! I love these affirmations. I pinned the post too :)
Erika Lancaster
2/12/2018 08:37:55 am
Your very welcome Laura! And thank you for sharing! :)
Erika Lancaster
2/13/2018 10:10:45 am
Hi Amanda!
2/14/2018 03:30:19 am
These are great tips! I loves the point"The only person I compare myself to, is who I was yesterday'.
Erika Lancaster
2/18/2018 12:04:49 pm
Hi Diana!
2/17/2018 01:37:42 pm
Thank you!!! I am slowly getting over my fear of failure and discomfort on “the journey” and realizing the journey IS the goal.
Erika Lancaster
2/18/2018 12:07:50 pm
Totally Barb!! You're so right!
10/4/2018 03:44:03 am
I like the affirmations very much; I've read the list 3 or 4 times, and I think I'll read it again in the future... ;) number four is the point I know I need to work on. For many years I believed that mistakes meant I am not good enough to do something. Now I know it's not true :)
Erika Lancaster
10/4/2018 09:06:34 am
11/7/2022 12:40:12 am
Positive thinking and affirmation is one of the most helpful & powerful tools for Manifestation someone of your dreams too. This is great & very helpful content for us keep it up with good work.
11/9/2022 01:11:59 pm
Hey, there!
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