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What, exactly, is a "quick sketch" and how will this type of drawing practice help me build up my skills? How can I get started with quick sketch, as a total beginner? Are there any tips to make this type of practice more effective? Quick sketch involves creating simplified drawings of a subject within a short time frame. The artist is trying to capture the essence (or most important information) as quickly as possible, which usually leads to highly expressive and dynamic results. The goal with quick sketch isn't to create a masterpiece or high-levels of accuracy, but to strengthen the connection between your eyes, brain and arm/hand while developing quick thinking, speed, and confidence. It is a dynamic type of drawing practice that will help you develop skills that longer pieces simply won't. Artists usually time themselves when working on quick sketch, though not always. In this blog post, I'll explain must-know information and practical tips on quick sketch that will help you get immense value from this type of exercise so that you can make faster progress in your art journey. In the video included here, I share a time lapse of one of my quick sketches.
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What is Quick Sketch?Quick sketch is all about:
Typically, quick sketch sessions involve setting a timer—ranging from 1 to 15 minutes per drawing—and working within that constraint to complete a sketch. The amount of time you give yourself usually varies depending on your current skill level and the complexity of the subject. Having a time limit challenges you to focus on what's most important and you eliminate unecessesary distractions. Whether you're into still life, figures, landscapes and scenes, animals, or anything else, you can practice quick sketch. Just begin with simpler versions of these things and increase the challenge as you develop your skills further. Why is Quick Sketch Important?
Quick sketch challenges you in ways that longer, more polished pieces don't. If artists don't make time for quick sketch, they run the risk of never being able to work more quickly, or create more expressive results.
Here are 5 key skills that this type of drawing practice helps you develop:
How to Get Started with Quick SketchHere are actionable tips to start incorporating quick sketch into your art practice:
Recommended Sketching Supplies
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