Are you worried it's too late for you to start drawing or painting? Have you always wanted to spend more time developing your art skills, but fear you're too old to begin a new creative endeavor? It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. You can change or stay the same. There’s no time limit. – F. Scott Fitzgerald In a world that celebrates youth and fast success, it’s easy to feel discouraged if you haven’t reached your goals or done "great" things early in life. The reality is that, for a lot of us, life and other priorities get in the way of personal projects. Financial responsibilities and jobs, having kids or family members to take care of, and dealing with health challenges, are all completely valid reasons why so many of us set aside delving deeper into our art journeys until later in life. And, to be honest, even younger people who do have the time and resources to start their art practice early set it aside because of self-doubt, limiting beliefs and resistance. Whatever your personal reason is for starting your art practice later in life, what matters is that you're here now. It is time to finally pay attention to that little voice that has been telling you to create art for so long. No matter your age, if you commit to your art practice now, you can develop your skills in whichever area you desire to grow in. It's never too late to start. In this blog post and the video below, I explain key advantages that you have over younger artists which will help you progress faster, provide examples of artists who started much later in life and share practical tips that will help you enjoy your journey more.
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