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Why is painting on quality watercolor paper so important? What makes watercolor paper different from other papers used for art-making purposes? What are the different types available and which is the best for you? Watercolor paper is different from other kinds of paper because it is made to handle water-soluble mediums. It has been manufactured and prepared to withstand a good amount of water, and to allow watercolor paint to do it's thing. Quality watercolor paper is made of 100% cotton, is thick enough not to buckle and warp too much as you're painting, and has good sizing (more on this later). Without good paper you'll not only have trouble achieving the beautiful watercolor effects you're after, but it can also prevent you from developing your skills further. Many skilled watercolor artists prioritize investing on paper over brushes and paint, because they know how much of an impact it'll have on their process and end results. In this blog post, I'll explain the three main types of watercolor paper-Cold Press, Hot Press, and Rough- so you can make an informed choice when you buy your next sheets, block, pad or sketchbook. Be aware that textures vary from brand to brand. As with all other art supplies, it will come down to exploring different options to find which paper suits your own process and style best.
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